
Friday, February 4, 2011

Chicken and Stuffing Casserole

This was really a fantastic meal.  I will make it again for sure.  The kids were raving about the smell even before it came out of the oven.  I didn't have time to make a veggie, so we just ate raw carrots and hummus with it. (not the normal side dish for a meal like this)  Next time, I would maybe add some sauteed mushrooms to the sauce part, or maybe some spinach to the stuffing part.  Either would be delicious.
So I had a big roaster chicken from Sam's, and I split it 2 for two casseroles.  And I still have a bit leftover chicken and I have enough of the 2 casseroles for leftovers tonight (no cooking, whew, I need a break!).  So, go buy a big, fat roaster and get 3 meals out of them for probably less than $20.  Love that!
  Now I know that almost all recipes call for dry white wine, but personally, I prefer the sweetness a sweet white lends to poultry, so I like Moscato or one similar.  You choose your favorite, but don't forget the wine!  It makes the dish!   And please, no "cooking wines"! They are so full of salt!  Only a wine fit for drinking (though I don't like to, go figure!)
This dish came together in about 15 minutes, and has to bake for at least 30 minutes.  But overall, a quick meal!  Enjoy!


  • 1/2 Roaster chicken cut up
  • extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 2 cans chicken broth
  • 7-10 oz. pepperidge farm stuffing
  • 1 egg
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup (healthy request)
  • 1/2 cup light sour cream (or nonfat greek yogurt)
  • 1 1/2 cups white wine divided (I like Moscato)
  • 8 oz cheddar cheese

Preheat  oven to 375.
Drizzle some EVOO into a skillet and place diced onion and celery in.  Cook over med-high heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring every now and then.  Meanwhile, mix together cream soup, sour cream, 1 cup white wine and about 1/2 can of chicken broth in a bowl.  Add more broth if necessary (you want it about texture of cake batter).  After onion and celery are tender, add stuffing (maybe some thawed/drained chopped spinach??), 1 can chicken broth, 1/2 cup white wine and stir. Add more broth from leftover from sauce if necessary.  All the stuffing should be moist, but not wet.  Remove from heat.

Meanwhile, chop chicken up in small pieces.  After stuffing has cooled, whisk and then add egg and stir into stuffing.  Spray 9x13 with nonstick cooking spray and put all but about 1 1/2 cups sutffing into the pan.  Press gently to spread in the bottom.  Put chicken over stuffing.  Then dump cream soup mixture over the chicken evenly, making sure it is covered evenly.  Put some cheese up on top.  (I used more like 4 oz).  Put remainder stuffing on top.  Bake uncovered for 30-45 minutes, until bubbling and top stuffing is crisp.

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