
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Beer Bread

I think I enjoy the smell of bread baking almost as much as I like to eat it.  I often fail to plan ahead though, which makes yeast breads something out of the realm of possibility.  This is a shame for my family, because they all love bread.  This beer bread is a fantastic quick bread.  It took about 5 minutes to throw together.  I made a Trader Joes Beer Bread along with it for comparison, and I really could not tell the difference with taste.  But mine was a little moister and both my husband and I liked the crust on mine better.  So, while Trader Joe's variety is easy, I think mine took make 1-2 minutes longer to throw together and we liked it better.  So there!
This bread is moist and makes your taste buds confused in a good way.  It is slightly sweet, but the slight bitterness from the beer comes through taking the edge off he sweetness, so it seems more savory.  Yum!  You can substitute self rising flour for the salt, flour and baking powder if you have it on hand, making it even quicker!


  • 3 cups sifted flour (I used a scoop to lighten and put in my measuring cup, then leveled it)
  • 3 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 12 oz beer
  • 4 TBSP melted butter


Preheat oven to 375.  Whisk flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  Add 2 TBSP melted butter and the beer.  Mix until just combined and no more flour is in the bottom of the bowl.  Put into greased bread pan.  Bake for 40 minutes and brush top with leftover melted butter.  Bake another 5-10 minutes, until golden and toothpick comes out clean.  Will slide out of pan easily after a few minutes.  Can cut warm and slather (I love that word!) with butter, or toast for breakfast with some jam and butter!

VARIATIONS:  Make it with some ginger ale for a sweeter bread, or some cinnamon.  Add some garlic and herb spices, or some cheese.


  1. I'm adding this to tomorrow night's menu along with your chicken cutlets...only I'll be altering it a bit and making pork cutlets. darn that chicken allergy! Love reading what you're cooking...and can I say that I am impressed you're able to post all this on the blog with four kids!

  2. My grandmother makes them with pork and beef as well!
