
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Garlic Cheddar Mashed Potatoes

No real great way to photograph these.  But they were so great.  And you know how most mashed potatoes are terrible for leftovers?  When we had the leftovers, my daughter asked me what I did to these to make them taste better than last night. 
My 23 month old was using his finger to eating them, then was taking handfuls of them and shoving them in his mouth.  All my kids devoured them, and these may just replace my normal mashed,  They were so creamy and full of flavor!  YUMMO!


  • 2 1/2 lbs. potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 2-3 TBSP melted butter
  • 3/4 cup milk or half and half, warmed
  • 1 TBSP pureed garlic
  • salt and pepper

Boil potatoes in (2 tsp) salted water until fork comes out easily.  I put my potatoes through a ricer to make sure there were no lumps, but you can mash however you desire.  Add melted butter, garlic and warmed milk and mash/mix more.  Add cheddar and mash/mix until cheese is melted.  Salt and pepper and taste for seasoning.  Add more garlic if desired. Can also add parsley if you want.

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