
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Watermelon Sorbet

I love sorbet.  I love how it is light and refreshing.  When we lived in Los Angeles, we would frequent the zoo.  They had fresh watermelon juice which had chunks of watermelon and I would always mix it with lemonade.  I get so I crave it now.  It is so refreshing and just make me happy.  This is great, without being too sweet.  I added about 5 strawberries because I just couldn't resist and it was wonderful.  A great refreshing summer treat.  I apologize for the pictures... was losing daylight and it was melting quick!


  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 5 cups diced watermelon
  • about 5-6 strawberries
  • 1/4 lime juice (about 2 limes)

Bring water to a boil and add sugar.  Boil for a minute until sugar is dissolves.  Let cool.
   Blend all ingredients in blender in batches, until mixed.  Can put through strainer if you want it really smooth, but I like the strawberry seeds.   Chill  for 2 hours.  Put in ice cream maker for 30 minutes.  Transfer to container and freeze for at least 3 hours before serving. 

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