
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Strawberry Nutella Waffles

First off, sorry for the half rotten strawberry in the picture.  We had company this past weekend and I was up way late the night before, so I was a wee bit tired.  So sorry!
I always do a waffles or pancake breakfast on Saturday, so I decided waffles would be good because I have done quite a few pancakes lately.  I started and intended to do just a basic waffle.  Really, I tried to leave it alone.  But I had a huge container of gorgeous strawberries (and a few half rotten ones, obviously) from Sam's Club, and I just could not stop myself.  My self discipline really stinks.  I sliced a bunch of berries for topping the waffles (we always top with berries and whipped cream), and before I even knew what was my hands were doing I was smashing the heck out of some berries and mixing waffle batter with it, then I swirled and big spoonful of nutella through.  I did it in little batches because I did not want the nutella to disappear in the batter.  I wanted it swirled, ding dang-it!  These were great waffles.  We really enjoyed them.  But it is kind of a no brainer.  Nutella+strawberries= YUM!


  • 2 cups flour (I used one whole wheat and other AP)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 TBSP sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cup milk, warmed a bit
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • approx. 1 cup whole berries, mashed to be juicy and chunky
  • 1/3 cup nutella

Whisk together dry ingredients in a medium bowl.  In a large bowl, whisk eggs, then add vanilla.  Add a little warm milk to temper the eggs.  Whisk, then add some the rest and the melted butter and mix.  Add the flour and mix just until batter is smooth.  Add berries and mix gently.  I then ladles some into a smaller bowl and swirled a spoonful of nutella through.  Then pour onto waffle iron.  Note: Sometimes the nutella would leave residue on the iron.  I wiped it off before making more so it would not burn and tarnish the others.    Serve topped with more berries and butter if desired or whipped cream.  (for more decadence, mix some nutella into some butter and smear that on)

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