
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Scalloped Corn

I am not a big fan of corn.  I love it in soups, bread, dips even, but by itself, don't eat it much.  Growing up, it was always on the table.  My parents would buy several bushels at the end of the summer, and then cook it a little, then we would cut it off the cob.  I remember helping shucking the corn, and cutting it off the cob and bagging it. There was a whole shelf designated for corn in the freezer.  We had it with dinner several times a week all winter long.  I liked corn then.  Not sure what happened (maybe overload) but now I will have maybe one ear of sweet corn a year.  Pathetic, I know. 
Enough about corn, and onto this dish!  This is a great dish!  My mom got the recipe from her neighbor Melissa.  I brought this to a potluck last night and every morsel was gone.  I made a slight change to it by adding green chilies, but even before that, still a great dish!  The green chilies compliment it wonderfully though!  Delicious! 

from Melissa Freeman

may not look pretty, but tastes great!
  • 1 stick butter
  • 8 oz sour cream (I used light, but am going to try some greek yogurt next time too!)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 can creamed corn (no salt or low sodium)
  • 1 can whole corn (no salt), DO NOT DRAIN!
  • 1 Jiffy Corn muffin mix
  • (opt.) 1 can green chilies (or 1/2)

Melt butter.  Add everything else and mix.  Place in greased casserole of you choosing (7x11 will produced shorter cooking time then round casserole type which I used).  Bake @ 350 for 45 min to an hour.  Top will be brown and crunchy and center will no longer jiggle (Mine in a round casserole went 1 hr. and 15 minutes with other things in the oven.)

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