
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

TWD: Baking With Julia- Chocolate Truffle Tartlets


Onto our second TWD!!  I looked at these tartlets and was dreading the process a bit.  The mixing and chilling and  the rolling, molding and chilling--  I am a get it done kinda gal.  I like to make things and eat them immediately.  Tarts require a bit more patience.  This one was no different.
I found the tart dough a bit challenging, even with an extra TBSP of water, it was crumbly and came apart a lot while I was rolling it.  Eventually I got into a groove and got them all in the pans.  But I knew I would love the filling.  I knew I would want to lick the yummy chocolate, egg yolks mixture in its raw form.  But to my dismay, I refrained.

Was all the waiting worth it?  Yes.  These tarts are full of so much chocolate flavor, they would satisfy even the worst PMS chocolate emergency.  I have frozen a few, just in case.
I used Almondina cookies for the biscotti, as they are biscotti like.  And I used dove chocolate for the milk chocolate bits.  Both delivered.  The little chewy bits in the Almondina added a nice and different texture, and dove chocolate-- it's one of my faves.
bits of white and milk chocolate!

I had 6-four inch tartlett pans, and the bottom was not removable, so I just put the on a baking sheet in case of spillage and for ease of oven removal.  But I have enough dough and filling left to do a full shallow tart, even with 6 tartlets!  Hence, the opportunity  to freeze some and also to share with neighbors!
Having this with ice cream is a must.  My husband and I both liked them better the day of, but they are still outstanding the next day out of fridge.
Thanks to Steph, Spike, Jaime, and Jessica for hosting.  You can go over to their blogs for the recipe or check out Baking with Julia pgs. 382-382.