
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD: BWJ- White Loaves

So, there are a bazillion food bloggers out there.  Seriously, I think anyone who likes to cook and bake has a blog.  But I think that is fantastic!  I absolutely love to look at others creations and learn from others.

Of course, there are the masters. . .  All the chefs on Food Network, and PBS broadcasting too!  And then there is Julia Child and Dorie Greenspan.  Julia Child was known for her unique and entertaining personality, certainly, but more for her incredible gift for making exquisite food and the way she savored eating it! 
My friend Cristine, who really inspired me to start my blog was part of a cooking/baking group called Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD), where each week they made a recipe from Dorie Greenspan's cookbook, "Baking: from my home to yours."  An extraordinary cookbook.  They wrapped not too long ago and have started a new one which they opened back up to the public to join.  I jumped at the chance!  Any excuse to bake!  The book is "Baking With Julia": by Dorie Greenspan.  (BWJ)  So, the first recipe:  White Loaves.

Delicious tall loaves, as she says, great for making sandwiches.  These loaves were pretty easy for the most part.  I do not consider myself a bread maker, so if mine comes out okay, most people would be safe to try a recipe.  I found my kitchen aid could not handle the kneading though, and they hand to be hand kneaded.  But I am always up for the workout.  After kneading, I put it back in the mixer to add in butter.   It looked scary, got all gnarly and started coming apart, but after a few minutes, came back together.  It rose beautifully and baked up like a vision.  I rolled one of the loaves into a rectangle and slathered it with softened butter.  Slather, slather, slather.  Love that word.  Then I sprinkled it heavily with sugar and cinnamon and then rolled it up, sealing the bottom.  Plopped it in the pan for another rising session.  Next time, I will add some raisins too!

  I also rubbed a stick of butter over the tops when I took the out of the oven. This bread has a nice hearty crumb, but it is incredibly soft too.  It is fabulous for toast or sandwiches. 
Thank you to Laurie and Jules for hosting.  The recipe can be found on Jules blog:


  1. Your bread looks fantastic!!! So glad you are on this adventure! :)

    1. Thanks! We loved it!! Thanks for the heads up so I could join!! I know my family is going to love it too!

  2. Your bread looks delectable:) I didn't put cinnamon in mine but have made plenty of cinnamon toast with it!

  3. Looks wonderful - after seeing all those lovely cinnamon loaves, I am kicking myself for not thinking of that...

  4. It looks to me like you are a bread maker! Your loaves look great.
