
Friday, March 23, 2012

Zucchini Bread

Last night was a rarity.  We had nothing going on and we ate, unrushed, at the dinner table.  It was so refreshing.  I had gone to the store and bought some stunning zucchini, only to come home and realize I had 4 in my fridge that were almost going bad.  It was going to be a cooking, baking kinda night. 
This bread took minutes to throw together, and I halved the recipe, because I had only 1 cup extra shredded zucchini from dinner.  But, now I wish I had done the full, so I could share, and eat more.  It-is-good!!  In one morning snack, half the loaf has disappeared, and I imagine the rest will be gone by this evening.  Yeah, we are like the black hole of food around here.  Kinda like a dream I had. . .  "Make it and they will eat....".  Oh wait, that's not a dream, but reality.  The lines get blurred so much, I find it hard to decipher reality and fiction. 

Speaking of fiction...  Hunger Games movie release... yeah, I am a loser and won't get to go see it for a few days, up to a week!!  But I am okay with that.  I mean, I lived it, so do I really need to see it?
Okay, so maybe I only feel like I lived it, but if I believed in reincarnation, or in a future world that twisted, then I would soooo be the mockingjay!  I mean, wouldn't you be?   
Anyway, to the Hunger Games...  may the zucchini bread be ever in your favor.

recipe slightly adapted from: allrecipes

  • 3 c. flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 tsp. cinnamon
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of canola oil (I sub half drained unsweetened applesauce)
  • 2 1/4 cups sugar
  • 3 tsp vanilla
  • 2 cups grated zucchini
  • 1 cup nuts, choc. chips or raisins(opt.)
cinnamon and sugar or streusel

Preheat oven to 350.  In a bowl, whisk together flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and cinnamon.
Do you see the luscious crackle on top of the bread?
In another bowl mix eggs, oil, sugar, vanilla and zucchini.  Mix dry into wet.  Add raisin or nuts, or both if you fancy.  Grease and flour 2 loaf pans, or spray with baking spray.  Bake for 40-50 minutes, or until toothpick comes out the center clean.  next time I am going to try half brown sugar...  just because.

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