
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

TWD: BWJ Hungarian Shortbread

I debated on whether I wanted to make this recipe.  First off, I am not a huge shortbread fan.  Even sweet shortbreads are kinda MEH! in my book.  The second is I am not a huge rhubarb fan and this stuff had a layer of it in the middle.  And third, because this thing has a pound of butter.  I like butter, don't get me wrong, but a whopping 4 sticks would about send anyone over the edge.

  Again, commitment and resolve enter the picture.  Push through the pain.  Do an extra spin class at the gym for that one taste test bite.  And seriously, you know I am committed if you have ever done spin class.  I am sure it is somewhere in the classification of torture.

Super simple recipe.  I mean, seriously easy.  I jazzed up the shortbread by adding the zest of a lemon and 1 tsp of lemon extract because I love lemon with fruit stuff.  And I thought it needed way more fruit, so I almost doubled the amount called for.  I did it in a 9x13, half blackberry/raspberry and half strawberry/rhubarb jams.

So, the verdict.  First bite... slather it on the thighs.  The next bite, right in the gut!... you get the picture.  Was it good?  Was it worth it?  Um.. yeah.  I didn't want to like it.  I really didn't.  But. I did. Sigh.  By the way, the lemon was perfect in it.  And I cooked mine for 45 minutes, not 40. 

Thanks to our lovely hosts Lynette and Cher for hosting.  Check out the recipe and their great pictures on their sites.


  1. Yes, this is the recipe one wants to hate. But it is just so delicious. I made half a batch and luckily my 200 pound son that shoes horses for a living was hungry. He needs calories so I happily shared.

  2. Your photos are delicious and thanks for being part of TWDBWJ.


  3. Looks beautiful! I was hesitant about the butter too. But it did taste really good.

  4. Looks great! I road ride and took a spin class with my daughter - holy cow it will burn a whole pan of these bars. Never sweated so much. :)

  5. Looks lovely - although, this was definitely a butter bomb.
    Great job - thanks for baking along this week.
