
Saturday, June 9, 2012

S'mores Pancakes

Laying in bed this morning, while our door was revolving with tattling children we were desperately trying to ignore in order to squeeze in just a few more minutes of sleep, I thought of pancakes.  Not solving the problems of this world, or of what to do today, or even the fact that my kids feel the need to beat on each other and come tell me about it.  I thought of graham crackers, and chocolate and marshmallow pancakes.  I know, I know.  You are insanely jealous of my deep thoughts and my mad parenting skills.  I mean, tuning out your screaming kids to have a brain child like these pancakes takes some talent.

What can be said about these.  My daughter describes them as, and I quote, "chocolatey, graham crackery, marshmallowy, and s'morish." I mean, what else could one ask for for breakfast?  Oh, topping them with marshmallow creme might help.

 I will say, the graham cracker taste if more of an aftertaste, because the chocolate kind of takes the cake. You could always spread on some Trader Joe's cookie butter.   These are ubber rich and dessert like, decadent and delicious!!   If you don't like dessert for breakfast, make these for dinner.

serves 4-6

  • 1 1/2 cups flour (I used part unbleached, part oat, and part whole wheat)
  • 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
  • 1 TBSP baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 TBSP brown sugar
  • 3 TBSP melted butter, cooled a bit
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 eggs, serparated
  • 1 1/2 cup milk (plus more to thin, if needed)
  • chocolate chips (milk or semi-sweet)
  • marshmallows
  • 1 cup marshmallow creme
  • 2 TBSP boiling water

getting ready to fold.
Whisk together flour, graham crackers crumbs, baking powder and salt.  Add brown sugar,  melted butter, egg yolks, vanilla and milk.  Whisk until just incorporated.  Whip egg whites to a stiff peak (this lightens the batter), and fold in gently, cutting into the middle of the batter and turning the spoon as you move to the outside of the bowl towards the outside of the bowl. (If you don't know how to fold, go to youtube, they have some great demonstrations).

Heat griddle to medium low.  Make sure batter is thin enough to spread.  Use ladle and place some on griddle.  Spot with chocolate chips and a few mini marshmallows.  Spread a tiny bit of batter over the marshmallows so they won't burn on the griddle too much.  A little browning good, too much, bad.
When the batter side is bubbled (2-3 minutes), turn carefully and cook 2-3 minutes on the other side.
FOR THE TOPPING:  Heat the water in the microwave and add the marshmallow creme to it.  Mix carefully and patiently, until smooth and syrupy. 

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