
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TWD: BWJ Popovers


Today my Army husband was taking off to play army in a land far away.  He was able to have the morning "off" to prepare for his voyage.  I didn't get to these earlier, so I decided to make them this morning.  I have always wanted to make popovers.  But they seemed so complex, finicky and difficult.  Not that I had ever looked at a recipe for them.  It was a bread, which meant leaving right?  Wrong.  Mine would never "popover" like they are supposed to,  right?  Wrong.

These are possibly the easiest "bread" I have ever made.  We had them for breakfast with raspberry jam, butter and honey and fresh strawberries.  I liked them with just butter.  Lots of it.  These little beauties are best eaten warm right out of the oven.  They have a light, flaky, delicate crust and are hollow on the inside with a custard like bread stuck to the crust.  We enjoyed them.

The ones in the popover tin came out much better than the muffin tin that it said you could use.  I would not use the muffin tin again.  The difference is clear, no?  And the bottoms of those cooked in the muffin tin were burnt.

I used my normal flour mix from my canister, which is a mix of all purpose, whole wheat white and oat.  I also did not cook the full time at 425.  I took off 3 or minutes because it was getting too brown.

Seriously though, these are sooooo easy!  Enjoy!  Thank you to Paula and Amy for hosting.  Clink on the link for the recipe!


  1. They were easy and great with butter. Lovely popovers!

  2. First off tell your husband thanks for all he does!
    The popovers were a hit. So I guess i need to buy a pan?? Can anyone have too many pans? I think not.
    I'm your newest follower.

    1. Thanks Cindy! I definitely found a difference in the popover pan! I love pans, and in spite of a large kitchen, I always seem to be short on space! But I can't seem to stop buying them. :)

  3. Your popovers look great. I loved how easy these were to make!

  4. We loved these, too. And they were super easy!

  5. nice to see the pan comparison. thanks!

  6. Your popovers came out beautifully.
    As a former Army wife, I can remember how tough those "mornings" could be - hang in there!
