
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

TWD: BWJ Whole Wheat Loaves


So, after my last complete failure with a recipe from Baking with Julia, I was looking forward to something I couldn't screw up.  Well, I spoke, or thought, too soon.  I added 1/2 cup too much flour, so I had to go back and add a few TBSP of water to make it a bit more pliable.

 I had to hand knead this bread because my kitchen aid was seizing up (may have had something to do with the excess flour),  and after 20 minutes of kneading, I am happy to report that my arms are now bigger than my husbands.  Just kidding, but I did get a great arm workout.   If I had known, I might have skipped the gym.

Anyway, I opted to make one of my loaves cinnamon raisin swirl, rolling it into a large rectangle, slathering with butter and sprinkling with cinnamon, sugar and raisins.  My kids ate it for dessert tonight.  We really loved both the plain and cinnamon swirl loaves (my kids preferred the cinnamon swirl treat), and even with my little hiccup, they both rose up and baked up beautifully.  A very tender bread, that had a very good flavor.  I did not have the malt extract that the recipe called for, but used a TBSP of molasses instead.

This is a pretty easy recipe that I could see myself making again and again.  Because of copyright, we are encouraging people to buy the book.  But if you want the recipe, go on over to our hosts blog reels.  Thanks to Michele and Teresa for hosting.


  1. I love the idea of making one of the loaves Cinnamon-Swirl! They turned out beautiful!!

  2. They look gorgeous! Cinnamon swirl sounds like just the thing to liven these up!

  3. Nice choice to make one cinnamon-swirl - I can understand the kids liking that one best. :)

  4. I hope your Pop-Eye arms have recovered :-) Nice loaves!

  5. Beautiful swirl you got going on there! I bet it made for some delicious toast!!

  6. Perfect swirl! You've done that a few times. I used raisins too, and have been having it toasted with butter and cinnamon sugar to similar effect. It's been great with morning coffee.

  7. Your bread looks wonderful and I especially like the cinnamon swirls! Great job! Catherine

  8. Your bread looks delicious. This is a recipe I will make again.
