
Monday, March 19, 2012

Pasta with Vodka Sauce

I did not feel like cooking tonight.  I was tempted to do the renaissance pasta.  If you don't know what I am talking about, that is a post worth reading renaissance-pasta posted by Mr. Delectable himself.   I also didn't even start dinner until 6:30 because I was playing taxi.  I figured, pasta with my vodka sauce would be quick and easy, and it was.  I managed to make it, while talking to my husband on the phone and giving my 6 year old a spelling test.  I know, I am A-M-A-Zing, right?  I must admit, my conversation with my husband lacked a bit of... how do you say??  content?  But, don't let that change your awe and amazement.

Anywho, the vodka sauce.  Yeah, it is pretty fab, and pretty darn easy.  Oh, and word to the wise, don't light the vodka with a lighter while cooking some of the alcohol out.  I had visions of my house going up in flames.  But the pyro in me thought it was kinda fun.  I put out the 14" flames with crushed tomatoes.  It worked.  My 2 year old ate 3 helpings.  Seriously, he was shoveling it in like it was chocolate cake.  Mmmm...  chocolate cake.  What?  Oh, here's the recipe.


  • 2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
  • 3-4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 shallot, diced fine
  • 1/2 cup vodka
  • 1- 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
  • 3 TBSP fresh basil, chopped or 1 tsp. dried
  • 3 TBSP fresh parsley chopped or 1 tsp dried
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 cup half and half or cream
  • 1/3 cup fresh Parmesan, plus more for topping
  • 1 lb. penne
Put pot of  salted water on the stove and heat to boiling for the pasta.   In another saucepan over medium high heat, drizzle in olive oil and add garlic and shallot.  Cook for 2-3 minutes until shallot and garlic just begin to brown. Pour in vodka.  Let cook for 2-3 minutes to let some of the alcohol dissipate.  Pour in the crushed tomatoes and add the basil, parsley and if desired, salt and pepper.  Let cook for 10 or 15 minutes, reducing heat to avoid splattering, while the pasta cooks.  Turn the heat to med low and add the half and half and cook for another 3-5 minutes.  Pour over pasta and add Parmesan cheese. Stir and serve with more Parmesan cheese over each dish, and bread.

1 comment:

  1. I will not believe you next time you say you are not inspired!!
